Minding My Faith

Ready to take your life and faith to the next level but don’t know where to start?

Why I’m Minding My Faith

I’m Tepheret! I am a wife, a mother, a writer, a speaker and a strong believer that everything you see manifested in your life is a direct result of your thoughts, words, and perception. Born and raised in New York, but currently residing in Connecticut with my husband and two kids. (one boy & one girl, sorry in advance because you will hear lots about them LOL)
- Tepheret

Why I’m Minding My Faith

I believe that everyone deserves to be happy, have peace in their lives and most importantly find fulfillment by walking in their purpose.

This may seem obvious to some but I think it’s really important to address this right up front. YOU WERE CREATED WITH A PURPOSE, FOR A PURPOSE! However, sometimes that purpose is hard to find, and even harder to step into. I’ve talked to so many people who want to do better, who look at the life they are currently living and know that there is more for them. The thing is, although we all deserve this life or walking in purpose and we all were created to, it’s not something that just falls in our laps. Life happens to all of us, and whether you’ve stumbled across one of my videos or heard about me through a friend, just know that my main focus is always to help people to see how their faith, thoughts and words truly create their lives. I’ve learned that if I mind my faith God minds everything else. But minding your faith isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

Adopting new mindsets, creating new habits and shifting your perspective will help you grow your faith, find your purpose and step into it!


They say happiness isn’t a destination but a journey. So when I say meet me there, I’m really saying take the journey with me, learn with me, and grow with me.

The journey starts by taking the first step in faith. 

Start the journey now.

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Pour out your gift to the world.

Speaking as a reformed perfectionist, I know how easy it is to get stuck trying to make sure things are perfect before you release them but here’s what I know…

God is so good at transforming what you pour out in to what those connected to your purpose need. But He can’t transform what you refuse to release…

It may be water to you but to someone it will be the BEST wine 🙏🏾🙏🏾

Share with someone who may need this reminder and make sure you drop me a line below so I know you receive this ❤️❤️

Praying that if you’re reading this God opens your eyes to see who and what is truly for you and who and what is not.

Praying that when He shows you, you have the strength to release and let go. Remembering always that it’s never Gods intention to leave you empty handed.

He needs you to let go of what’s not for you so that you have space to receive what is.

Don’t ever be afraid to let go, there is more. There is greater… it’s always better where you belong ❤️🙏🏾

drop an amen if you receive that.

Hey Bible besties! I need you to get into THIS WORD with me‼️

If you’ve ever felt like you were in the middle of a storm and your “ship” was falling apart, this is for you.

It’s so easy to get stuck in the “I should’ve” or “you should’ve” but God is showing you the power of NOW

I love how God’s BUT NOW is so powerful because it means it doesn’t matter what the damage or loss was, if you make a decision to follow His lead, He will still get you to where you were always purposed to be.

If you were looking for a sign that you were going to make it out the storm- THIS WAS IT ❤️

Make sure you’re following for more quick Bible studies with me 😉

And drop a comment if you receive this 🙏🏾

Steal my Bible notes ⤵️

But first if you’re interested in getting a weekly Bible study newsletter sent directly to you drop me a comment below and I’ll send you the link to sign up ❤️

Now back to THIS WORD!!! Listennnn when I tell you this was so good to me because even though it didn’t happen overnight IT STILL HAPPENED!

I wish I had time to break down how God bought them the way He did through the wilderness because He when they first left Egypt they weren’t ready to go up against certain obstacles.

So He used the wilderness to show them how to fight, but also to purge out the fear, doubt and insecurity of the people.

He also taught them in the wilderness. They learned how to be a community of people vs slaves.

What is your wilderness teaching you? What is it building in you?

Drop me a comment below if you believe IT WILL HAPPEN FOR YOU! ❤️🙏🏾

Have a Quick Bible Study with me⤵️

But first if you’re interested in getting weekly Bible study notes that take scripture and show you how you can apply it to your everyday life, drop a “BIBLE” below and I’ll send you a direct link to my Bible study newsletter …

Now, raise your hand if you’ve ever regretted anything 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️ I know Im not the only one, because God had some regrets too.

But what do you do with your regrets? Let’s use God has our example here and recognize we have the power to start over. And just like God wasn’t starting over from scratch, neither are you.

Some times you have to take an honest look what you’ve created, take what doesn’t work and wipe it out, and start over with what’s left over.

Remember God always uses what’s left to bless you, Ask Gideon, sometimes God does more with less ❤️🙏🏾

Share with someone who may need this reminder 😉