Ready to take your life and faith to the next level but don’t know where to start?
Why I’m Minding My Faith
Why I’m Minding My Faith
I believe that everyone deserves to be happy, have peace in their lives and most importantly find fulfillment by walking in their purpose.
This may seem obvious to some but I think it’s really important to address this right up front. YOU WERE CREATED WITH A PURPOSE, FOR A PURPOSE! However, sometimes that purpose is hard to find, and even harder to step into. I’ve talked to so many people who want to do better, who look at the life they are currently living and know that there is more for them. The thing is, although we all deserve this life or walking in purpose and we all were created to, it’s not something that just falls in our laps. Life happens to all of us, and whether you’ve stumbled across one of my videos or heard about me through a friend, just know that my main focus is always to help people to see how their faith, thoughts and words truly create their lives. I’ve learned that if I mind my faith God minds everything else. But minding your faith isn’t always as easy as it sounds.
Adopting new mindsets, creating new habits and shifting your perspective will help you grow your faith, find your purpose and step into it!

They say happiness isn’t a destination but a journey. So when I say meet me there, I’m really saying take the journey with me, learn with me, and grow with me.
The journey starts by taking the first step in faith.
Start the journey now.
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In today’s episode of God is Theee Best Therapist:
Stop self sabotaging your opportunities because you think you’re lacking something‼️
Sometimes we are looking at HERE and thinking we don’t have enough for THERE. And Gods like, do you really think I would open a door for you just to let you walk into a space that you’re not ready for?
NOPE, not how God gets down. He’s so strategic and so good and preparing us, that sometimes we don’t even realize that all the things we went through in our past was actually preparation for now.
Sooo Yes YOU’RE READY and Yes YOU GOT THIS but most importantly GODS GOT YOU!!
Send this to someone who needs a reminder that even though it’s scary walking in to the unknown, it’s never unknown to God, let Him lead you ❤️
In today’s episode of God is the best therapist : GIRL CRY IT OUT!!! LITERALLY.
Cry out the stuck trauma, cry out the anger, cry out the bitterness, cry out the disappointments.
You’ve been so strong for so long, and I know I can’t be the only one who sometimes gets tired of being strong and wants a soft place to land.
When God said, being so strong is what got you here in the first place, I knew that he meant it 2 fold.
That being strong is what helped me survive seasons of pain and loss. BUT. It also led me to being numb and not processing grief and disappointments properly. It led to me storing so much pain in my body to where I got sick.
So maybe this was just for me but I have a feeling it’s for you too.
In this season, God is cleansing. That may come with a few (or ALOT) of tears.
And although that is frustrating sometimes, it’s also a promise.
His word says you will reap in JOY what you sowed in TEARS.
So don’t skip the tears! There’s THAT much harvest attached to them.
Okay, just thought I’d share 😉 if it was helpful at all make sure you send to someone who you know is in their healing journey!
Dear Maloney, You deserve this.
I remember one year I wrote to you on your bday post and say “as long as I’m alive you will never have to do life alone”
And while I still whole heartedly mean that, I’m grateful that my guy @scottyhampton has now stepped in to add to that too!
It was such an honor to be one of your ladies in cream, and to get to witness such a beautiful celebration of the love you guys share.
Over the last few days I’ve had so many of your friends and family come up to me and say how good of friends we are and how they can see how much we really got each other, and how beautiful it was to see…
But let me tell you how much more beautiful it is to be a part of off!!! @_mal.martinez_ ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY GIRLLLLLLLL!!!! And I pray this year is your best yet.
More joy! More peace! More money! More trips! More love and more life ❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations again! 🙏🏾
Steal my Bible study notes ⤵️
The best life hack I could ever give you is agree with God. Stop trying to talk him out of what He’s already decided about you.
Over and over again, from Abraham to Moses to Gideon, and many more you see God knows something about people that they don’t know about themselves.
God looks past your present and speaks to your future. He knows the end in the beginning so he’s not just saying anything about you.
It’s not like you lied on your resume and now He’s asking you to do something you’re not equipped to do.
If He’s calling you to it, it’s because it’s in you to do.
Start agreeing with what God has spoken and watch how life changes for you, watch out doors open and watch how favor flows over you.
Not sure what God has said about you? You’re in the right place- follow my page and join my Bible newsletter ❤️ I got you
This line from this song has had me in a chokehold all week “Say whatever you feel, be wherever you are, we’re not angry at you love, you’re the greatest thing we’ve lost”
I think for the longest time I didn’t think I had that luxury. People would hurt me, and I would just eat it because I didn’t want them to be upset with me for expressing how I felt.
Hold it in. Shake it off. Put up walls… be numb.
The last few years God has been teaching me how to feel again. And whew!!! When I tell you the FLOOD GATES OPENED!!! It was almost overwhelming the amount I felt.
The guilt, the shame, the frustration of everything I had accepted and let happen to me flooded me with thoughts of “how did I let that happen”.
So this song replays in my mind, from me to me: “we’re not angry at you love, you’re the greatest thing we’ve lost”
Forgiving others is great. But forgiving yourself is transformative.
And you don’t need anyone’s permission to do it, but just incase you did here it is…. And I’m right there with you. Healing outloud from the things that almost killed me in silence ❤️
Have a Quick Bible Study with me⤵️
But first if you’re interested in getting weekly Bible study notes that take scripture and show you how you can apply it to your everyday life, drop a “BIBLE” below and I’ll send you a direct link to my Bible study newsletter …
Now, raise your hand if you’ve ever regretted anything 🙋🏾♀️🙋🏾♀️🙋🏾♀️ I know Im not the only one, because God had some regrets too.
But what do you do with your regrets? Let’s use God has our example here and recognize we have the power to start over. And just like God wasn’t starting over from scratch, neither are you.
Some times you have to take an honest look what you’ve created, take what doesn’t work and wipe it out, and start over with what’s left over.
Remember God always uses what’s left to bless you, Ask Gideon, sometimes God does more with less ❤️🙏🏾
Share with someone who may need this reminder 😉
Steal my Bible study notes ⤴️
Maturing is realizing you’re not always the “good guy”
In the story 🥴🥴🥴
God has been dealing with a lot lately on character growth
Not my gifts. Not my talents. Not my morality.
Me. Who I am and who I’ve become as a result of some things I’ve been through. Some things we are asking for God is saying, I need to work on some of those things you struggle with before I can give you that.
Some rooms I want to bring you in, require you to be whole, because I can’t let your doubt and insecurities damage the opportunity.
But that requires you to see YOU. In all your forms, in all your ways, even the ones you don’t like.
Have you ever identified as the enemy in the story?