Contact Me
Thank You! For taking the time to visit my site. Whether you heard something you want to talk deeper about on my podcast, read something on my blog, or purchased one of my ebooks and want to chat about it, I love to hear from you! Please also feel free to reach out to me at xo_teph@mindingmyfaith.com for any of the following:
PODCAST GUEST: Need a guest for your podcast? I love to have down to earth conversations about faith, purpose, and personal growth. One of my favorite things to do is to connect with other believers and spark transformational conversations.
SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS: Whether your event needs a keynote presentation, panel participation, a moderator, interview or workshop I believe I am the authentic, encouraging voice you are looking for. My presentation on the 5 steps to purpose, identifying your gifts and how to use them, and my scripture based approach finding peace are just a few of my areas of specialty. I would love to help create an atmosphere of excitement and openness to transformation.