I’m Tepheret! I am a wife, a mother, a writer, a speaker and a woman of faith who is a strong believer that everything you see manifested in your life is a direct result of your thoughts, words, and perception.
Looking back at the journey that brought me to where I am now Battling my way out of depression and anxiety I learned that it didn’t matter that I was married with two amazing children, a great, well paying job, and a nice house with a white picket fence * insert eye rolls.* At the end of the day I had to make a change to my insides in order to see it reflected on my outside and that is what I want to help you do as well.
I didn't realize it at the time but what I was really lacking was fulfillment and purpose. I started out looking to fill a void and bring me joy. I was exhausted and frustrated from going in the same cycles and patterns and seemingly getting nowhere closer to where I wanted to be. Everytime I would feel like I was making progress I would look up and feel like I was right back where I started.

If any of that sounded familiar you are in the right place. There came a moment in my journey that I remember very clearly. It was the moment I surrendered to God. I finally waived my white flag and said I'm ready to do it your way. But I didn't really know what that way was. I was willing, but needed a blueprint. Like okay God, but how?
I promised myself that once I learned how I would make sure to go grab my brothers and sisters and give them the blueprint too!
I found my purpose and my fulfillment and I wanted to not only inspire people to find theirs, but to provide the tools and resources that would lead them there. That is why I started my podcast Kingdom Chats to help take every day issues and find a Kingdom solution and that is why I am here helping you ' Mind your Faith.