Mannn do you know how amazing it would be if we knew the growth schedule and timing of the seeds we planted? How different things would be if we knew we only had to endure a certain season for an exact amount of time before we saw growth and fulfilled promises. I bet a lot of the anxiety that we feel would dissipate if we could take some of the guessing game out of the “but when’s” in our lives! Heres the thing though, when we trust in the promises of God we also have to trust in his timing. I know that doesn’t sound like a good thing but I assure you it is….
The reason why its better to let God handling the timing is because He is the one who know the end in the beginning. He know how each peice of the puzzle has to fit in. How many times in your life have you felt disappointed about something in a moment, but then looked back and realized that it actually ended up being the best thing for you? Maybe I’m the only one (but I doubt it). Theres a reason they say hindsight is 20/20! And the God that we serve has
Hindsight, foresight and INSIGHT in to the things that we need, and the more you surrender things to God’s timing, the more you will see that anxiety being exchanged for the peace of God. You know, the type of peace that surpasses all understanding. Thats because many times it won’t make sense, while you’re going through it… it won’t make sense that you have joy and peace, even when your career isn’t where you want it to be, or you relationship or your finances!
BUT it will only not make sense to people who think they are the ones who control the increase. It is also very important to be aware of the seasons of your life. Imagine how upset a farmer would be if he planted in the right season but was expecting a harvest in the wrong one – he would be disappointed thinking there was something wrong with the seed or perhaps the soil, when in reality it just wasn’t time for it to grow. Stop thinking there is something wrong with you and what you’re doing just because you don’t see the results you want right away! Hold fast, do your part, do all you can do, and let God do the rest!