Minding My Faith

Day 2 Devotional: Attacking Anxiety

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
(Roman 8:28)

Can you answer that question? …. what do you believe about yourself, and what do you believe about your situation? Once you answer that, you have to ask, do your thoughts and your actions reflect your belief?
The way you see a situation will ultimately determine how you react in a situation, and so many times we see everything thats going wrong, every way it’s not working out, which in turn causes us to feel overwhelmed, and anxious.

Take the step today, to make a decision – that you will no longer attach your peace to a certain outcome. Make the decision to Believe
That regardless of the outcome, it will STILL work out for my good. Whether its today, next month, or 5 years, there is no such thing
As a wasted experience. Every thing that you go through is meant to grow you and to prepare you for the thing you are purposed to do.

Sometimes that means that we have to go through experiences that don’t feel good. But don’t feel anxious about it, find peace in
Knowing that even though I may have to take a temporary L its so that in the big picture I can win! Its kind of like how the words say “that the sufferings of this present time are not worth to be compared with the glory which shall be reveled in us”( Romans 8:18) ….
You have to start telling some things in your life
That they are not worthy of your anxiety, they are not worthy of taking your joy, and they not worthy of stealing your peace.

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